Wednesday, March 6, 2013

25 Weeks And Counting

     That's right baby girl we are already 25 weeks along!! It seems like it's been a big change just in the last few days.  You must be having a growth spurt because I felt pretty comfortable for the most part up until now and then the stretching started...and continued and continued some more....suddenly I woke up and voila there you were big and round.  It's a bit harder to sleep at night mostly because I'm usually a big belly sleeper and that's near impossible now, so there has been a lot of tossing and turning going on. I feel awful for my sweet Hannah girl because I've been coughing up a storm still (going on three weeks now) and you are probably getting pretty sick of all the rocking around in me your mama is pretty darn sick of it too.
      Your dad and I have been talking about all the fun things we want to do with you this summer. We even ordered your stroller this week and it should be here any day now.  Your dad is pretty excited because it's a jogging stroller and he wants to take you on lots of his running trips maybe even a few of his races.
      25 weeks down and only 15 to go sweet Hannah, so hang in there and keep growing big and strong.  We love you baby girl.  xxoo