Monday, October 27, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

I just wanted to write a quick post about the pumpkin patch we visited the other day before I shut my eyes and try and catch some zzz's. You were so fun this year!! You ran around to the animals, you loved the goats and "baaa"d right back at them. I cant wait to experience trick or treating with you this year!! You are just getting more fun by the day sweet girl!! Sorry this was so short and sweet but I love you! xxoo


Okay so this is a touchy subject and I know lots of people have strong opinions on this topic and what is right and I've tried to limit talking about it but tonight is a big night and as I'm updating You on YOU...I thought I should include what's going on at this very moment. Confession time...We have all THREE slept in the same bed pretty much since you were born. Yep a couple of CO-SLEEPERS here :) There have been evenings where you have miraculously slept in your own crib but lets face it...those times have been pretty rare and usually only lasted for a few hours. I NEVER thought I would be a co-sleeper parent. I just thought it was best and what I would want, that you would sleep in your own crib but I think your dad and I were just completely smitten with you from the moment we laid eyes on you that we couldn't bare spending a room-apart :( Even writing that sounds crazy...haha I guess you are just too good a snuggler. However it has been clear for quite some time that this needed to change. You are now obnoxious to sleep with (I love you but it's TRUE). While yes the morning cuddles are nice and I treasure those moments...what I don't love is being kicked in the back every evening...all evening long. You are also seeming to want to have your own room as well. I set up your toddler bed last week in hopes that you would like that better than your crib and ever since you have been crawling into it and laying down and while that hasn't lasted more than a quick lie down...alas you seem interested! Sooo today at nap time you went in there again and I hung out with you a bit but you did sleep in there for a good 3 hours by yourself!! HOORAY!! Then I wasn't sure tonight what the plan was but when I asked you if you were ready for "night-night" you headed for your room not ours!! HOORAY again!!! So we went in there and I laid down next to you on the floor while you lied down in your crib. It took some gently laying you back down and the stroking of your hair a few times and some whimpers here and there but you went to sleep! It's now 9:45 and I have only had to go in there once in the last 2 hours to put your bink back in your mouth and right back to sleep you went!! HOORAYYYYY!!! I might be jumping the gun but I'm hoping this is the start of something great for all of us! I cannot believe it took us this long and I'm sad to see you go but also excited for us all to hopefully get some more restful sleep and feel a bit more refreshed! Good luck baby girl, I hope you continue feeling secure and safe in your own room and know that we have loved having you in our room this last year and a half. xxoo phew...kinda nice to get that off my chest ;)

So much change in so little time

YHoly goodness these last few months have felt like a blur!! We moved into Uncle Ralphie's house, had Uncle Q come home from Korea and had him and Auntie Lex staying with us for a few weeks, Dadda started his new job and is still doing the old job too so he is commuting a bunch from Silverdale to Tacoma every day :(, we took a trip to Spokane with Grammy and Papa to go to your Great Great Uncle Harvey's funeral, and everyday life in between. I'll just post the pics instead of trying to explain it all and hope you get the idea of all the fun we've been having :)
Your favorite thing to do with us at restaurants

eating face

You've discovered your belly button and love it and love to show it off

Wright Park fun

Best looking Seagal around

you and Lyla playing house


Ferry ride to Seattle to get Uncle Q

The Triplets?!?

Just sharing a morning drink with Aunt Lex on the deck

Dancin' in the rain

So FUN!!!

Hotel stay in Tacoma during the move...saying goodbye in the nude

An adult evening out while you hung with Grammy and Papa

Exploring new parks in Silverdale

One of your new favorite things is our daily walk to the mailbox sometimes Sammy joins

You can't get enough of TJ...time for a dog of your own

See what I love this!

Evening impromptu football game with Dadda

Lyla reading you a story <3

It's been a little more challenging but seeing these three as much as possible, especially on game day!

Dadda played hooky one day and we went to breakfast

Grammy stories

Fall explorations at Grammy and Papa's

Tricities Hotel Bathroom fun

You were such a trooper for the long drive, no sleep, and finally you konked out ;)

Meeting Great Great Auntie Bonnie

You are also loving dressing up

Spent some time with Great Grandma

More dress-up play

Celebrating Papa and Uncle Benny's Bday

Super fun visit from Aunt Jenny


Your faces crack us up!