Monday, February 25, 2013

Prego + Flu = One Exhausted Mama

      Well... this last week wouldn't be what I would call the most fun week of pregnancy thus far.  I spent almost the entire week either in bed or in the bathroom.  I had such high hopes that my immune system was doing it's job and fighting off all those nasty germs that have been circulating around but alas I got struck with the dreaded flu.  It was six full days filled with lots of Kleenex, tea, tylenol, cough drops, fevers, coughing, sneezing, throwing up, and lucky for us lots of love from family and friends. Damien even came home early one day because he had caught a little bit of the bug as well (Hannah you will soon come to realize just what a shocker your dad leaving work early actually is).  I spent the first part of the week feeling pretty sorry for myself, I mean isn't being pregnant enough stress and hard on the body?!? As the week progressed and everyday I received many calls, texts and fb messages from family and friends and even a BUNCH of goodies from Auntie Abbie to help ease the symptoms, I realized just how blessed we are to be surrounded by people who love and truly care about our well being.  Happy to say I'm finally on the up and up and it felt good to get back to work today even though even after just five hours I was pretty wiped out for the rest of the day. Lets hope to no more sickness hitting the McClain/Chevalier family anytime soon. 

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